Course Description

Struggles: Wisdoms of the Makkan Seerah
Having been sent to the people of Quraysh in Makkah, one of the most corrupt societies of the time, delivering the message of Islam was no easy task. The Makkan Era is a must study for Muslims living in the west in order to find guidance on how the Prophet (s) stayed true to his principles while being in a society that persecuted him for no reason other than being Muslim. This class covers the extremely relevant era of the Seerah of the Prophet (s) from his birth till his Hijrah to Madinah with a special focus on the wisdoms and lessons that are to be extracted.
*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Struggles: Wisdoms of the Makkan Seerah
Having been sent to the people of Quraysh in Makkah, one of the most corrupt societies of the time, delivering the message of Islam was no easy task. The Makkan Era is a must study for Muslims living in the west in order to find guidance on how the Prophet (s) stayed true to his principles while being in a society that persecuted him for no reason other than being Muslim. This class covers the extremely relevant era of the Seerah of the Prophet (s) from his birth till his Hijrah to Madinah with a special focus on the wisdoms and lessons that are to be extracted.
$ 100.00 USD
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Winter 2023
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Fall 2023
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Struggles: Wisdoms of the Makkan Seerah
Having been sent to the people of Quraysh in Makkah, one of the most corrupt societies of the time, delivering the message of Islam was no easy task. The Makkan Era is a must study for Muslims living in the west in order to find guidance on how the Prophet (s) stayed true to his principles while being in a society that persecuted him for no reason other than being Muslim. This class covers the extremely relevant era of the Seerah of the Prophet (s) from his birth till his Hijrah to Madinah with a special focus on the wisdoms and lessons that are to be extracted.
To Be Announced
8:00 PM EST
$ 100.00 USD
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*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Course Instructor
Shaykh Hamzah Imtiaz
Miftaah Online Instructor

Shaykh Hamzah Imtiaz currently serves as the Resident Scholar at the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis (IFGSTL) in St. Louis, Missouri. He holds several ijāzahs (teaching licenses) in the Islamic sciences as a result of his 6 year journey of seeking knowledge. He studied under some of the world's leading Muslim scholars, including Mawlana Tariq Jameel and Mufti Taqi Usmani, the grand Mufti of Pakistan, and Mufti Muhammad Zahid, one of the leading experts on Hadīth Studies today.

Course Includes:

Textbooks & Workbooks
All students will be provided with course materials. All textbooks, workbooks, and slides are complied by MIftaah scholars and tailor-made for the Miftaah Online Seminary.
Portal Access
Students will have access to live instruction and all class recordings via the Miftaah Portal. This portal will allow you to view all recordings, materials, and teacher notes on one platform.
Quizzes, Homework & Tests
All courses include assignments, quizzes and assessments. The purpose of this is for the student to track their progress and growth in each course.