Course Description

Celebrated: Tafseer of Surah Maryam
The Quran shows us those figures whose lives are truly to be celebrated by following in their footsteps. This class will explore the stories of some of those great figures mentioned in Surah Maryam, including Zakariya, Maryam, Isa and Ibrahim (as), with an ending to the Surah that depicts the scenes of the day of judgement.
*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Celebrated: Tafseer of Surah Maryam
The Quran shows us those figures whose lives are truly to be celebrated by following in their footsteps. This class will explore the stories of some of those great figures mentioned in Surah Maryam, including Zakariya, Maryam, Isa and Ibrahim (as), with an ending to the Surah that depicts the scenes of the day of judgement.
$ 50.00 USD
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Winter 2023
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Fall 2023
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Celebrated: Tafseer of Surah Maryam
The Quran shows us those figures whose lives are truly to be celebrated by following in their footsteps. This class will explore the stories of some of those great figures mentioned in Surah Maryam, including Zakariya, Maryam, Isa and Ibrahim (as), with an ending to the Surah that depicts the scenes of the day of judgement.
To Be Announced
8:00 PM EST
$ 50.00 USD
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*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Course Instructor
Shaykh Abdullah Waheed
Dean of Faculty - Instructor

Shaykh Abdullah Waheed was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, MI. He commenced his studies at the age of 10 in Toronto, Canada where he went to memorize the Quran. Shaykh Abdullah specialized in Tafseer of the Quran. Shaykh Abdullah spent years to study the details and beauty of our Holy book since understanding and mastering the language of Holy Quran was always the primary goal. Shaykh Abdullah is serving as an Instructor at Miftaah institute and is also the Director of Islamic Affairs at Flint Islamic Center. Sheikh Abdullah travels across North America for khutbas, workshops, and seminars.  

Course Includes:

Textbooks & Workbooks
All students will be provided with course materials. All textbooks, workbooks, and slides are complied by MIftaah scholars and tailor-made for the Miftaah Online Seminary.
Portal Access
Students will have access to live instruction and all class recordings via the Miftaah Portal. This portal will allow you to view all recordings, materials, and teacher notes on one platform.
Quizzes, Homework & Tests
All courses include assignments, quizzes and assessments. The purpose of this is for the student to track their progress and growth in each course.