Course Description

Arabic - Fall 2022
Allah chose Arabic as the language of his final book to be revealed to mankind. Miftaah’s exclusive “Arabic 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Learning Arabic” is one of our longest-running classes that has been taken by thousands of students. Begin your journey to learning Arabic today! Also for those students who have successfully passed Arabic 101, we also offer Arabic 201. Arabic 201 will build off of the foundation that we established in Arabic 101. In this semester we will focus on various types of sentence structures, developing reading comprehension, and understanding irregular verbs.
*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Arabic - Fall 2022
Allah chose Arabic as the language of his final book to be revealed to mankind. Miftaah’s exclusive “Arabic 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Learning Arabic” is one of our longest-running classes that has been taken by thousands of students. Begin your journey to learning Arabic today! Also for those students who have successfully passed Arabic 101, we also offer Arabic 201. Arabic 201 will build off of the foundation that we established in Arabic 101. In this semester we will focus on various types of sentence structures, developing reading comprehension, and understanding irregular verbs.
$ 100.00 USD
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Winter 2023
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Fall 2023
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Arabic - Fall 2022
Allah chose Arabic as the language of his final book to be revealed to mankind. Miftaah’s exclusive “Arabic 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Learning Arabic” is one of our longest-running classes that has been taken by thousands of students. Begin your journey to learning Arabic today! Also for those students who have successfully passed Arabic 101, we also offer Arabic 201. Arabic 201 will build off of the foundation that we established in Arabic 101. In this semester we will focus on various types of sentence structures, developing reading comprehension, and understanding irregular verbs.
To Be Announced
201 - 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST | 101 - 8:00 - 9:20 PM EST
$ 100.00 USD
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*This course is not offered at the moment*
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Course Instructor
Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed
Director - Instructor

Mufti Abdul Wahab is a Co-founder at Miftaah Institute and also is a Co-Founder and Director at Michigan Islamic Institute. Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed was born and raised in Ann Arbor, MI. He began Islamic studies at Jaamiah al-Uloom al-Islamiyyah in Canada where he became a Hafiz at the age of 11. Upon the completion of his Tahfeedhul Ul Quran, Mufti Abdul Wahab decided to continue his studies in Islamic sciences.

Course Includes:

Textbooks & Workbooks
All students will be provided with course materials. All textbooks, workbooks, and slides are complied by MIftaah scholars and tailor-made for the Miftaah Online Seminary.
Portal Access
Students will have access to live instruction and all class recordings via the Miftaah Portal. This portal will allow you to view all recordings, materials, and teacher notes on one platform.
Quizzes, Homework & Tests
All courses include assignments, quizzes and assessments. The purpose of this is for the student to track their progress and growth in each course.